• 通知公告


2014年05月13日 12:24  点击:[]


报告题目:Human Trust and Electronic Trust (人际信任与电子化信任)

报 告 人:Reza Mousoli(默索里•雷扎,英国坎特伯雷基督教会大学高级讲师)









As the word "trust" derives from everyday English vocabulary, it has associated with it the usual vagueness and context dependency of a common language. For the purpose of our research, firstly we will express the meaning of trust in relation to the fields of sociology, psychology, and human resource management. In relation to this, a model of trust will be discussed in details based on the notion of decomposition of the word trust into its basic ingredients; that is, we must first understand the nature of various types of trust and be able to deconstruct and synthesize it.

Then we argue why these definitions of "trust" are abstract and not useful in computer science and why the new definition has to be concrete with known and measurable parameters and controllable outcomes. In this context, i.e. computer security and resource allocation; security mechanisms are the means for implementing security services by means of prevention, detection and recovering valuable data; therefore the new definition should not be a subjective and arbitrary term. Hence we introduce e-trust and not trust as a quantity which has predictable qualities unlike human trust.

The computer industry's interpretation and implementation of e-trust as expressed by major corporations and players in the computer industry such as IBM, HP and Microsoft are well established techniques. We argue why these implementations in the form of e-trusted sites and many trust management products are more of a marketing strategy or at best a binary resources allocation system that ignores credential based e-trust services.

We explore the use of logic of uncertainty, Bayesian logic, trust metrics and statistical techniques in providing a mathematical backbone to the construction of an intelligent e-trust management system.

上一条:关于举办美籍专家Olivia Winn系列讲座的通知 下一条:beat365体育官网平台国(境)外进修回国人员系列报告会之三


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